Saturday, December 19, 2009


This is just some stuff we've filmed since last February

montage thing from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Short Random Update

I've had this clip for a while now

Untitled from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

this is somewhere close to 4 years ago i think it took a while but at least he pulled one eventually but one the land i happen to be changing my batteries but luckily mark was chillin up on the shed getting them high angles n shit

Friday, October 2, 2009

Waldorf update

So thursday Eric,Sean and I decided to drive up to the Waldorf park for the day.Its pretty much back roads and fields the whole way up so it feels like a long trip sometimes,but after a 2 hour ride we made it. Then we had to deal with the attendant who claims she was just "actually doing her job" by enforcing all the rules like if we had to leave the park just to go to the car for any reason she'd charge us full admission to get back in, but she ended up letting us in a little cheaper saying to me as we left "you won this time." The hassle was worth it because there was only one other shredder there when we got there and the weather was nice which is two firsts for us in the years we been going up with all that i decided to make a little fun montage and eric got a bunch of sweet footage, same with sean and hell i ever got a clip in there so heres some pictures and a montage.....enjoy

waldorf day from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

those two people at the end in the dark we kicking us out of that bank at a hotel but at first it was the little kid just yelling at us so we continued skating then his dad comes up and trys to act like it was his hotel but he just living there but the bank sucked so much anyway

Monday, August 3, 2009


just a little clip i made
thanks to kelly(the dude that ran up) for pretty much taking care of the entire situation without him we would have been totally lost. also notice lavek laughing at the end....

bad fall from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

these guys

Lucas,Jerry,and Kevin L. from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

so lucas is just this kid i've known since i was like 4 or some shit and he just randomly would come hang out with us so after a while i started filming him and it was suppose to be a joke well it is... for us. this is jerrys first bit of footy ever pretty much and he did alot of his shit first try or quick.
don't get me started with kevin....

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Get Cultural friends from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

good ol' friends section..... it contains: the last known footy of michael blackburn, one of the only clips of rudy(and he's killin it),rob getting jumped in the park, the kickflip down the double was only done becuase i had a 3ccd camera which is also pissed off nav alot because he couldn't get his trick and that dude did i havn't seen nav since

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Brandon and Eric

Get Cultural Brandon Smithson and Eric Goldin from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

They just did all these tricks for fun just goofin around or some shit, erics line at 2:44 wasn't planned after the fakie flip he was goofin around and i was just like "you should do the pop shuvit" and he just did it so i kept it all as one line

Friday, May 29, 2009

John Levesque

Get Cultural John Levesque from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

This was levesque's first video part..... its kinda weird, he's kinda weird tho. i don't really know what else to say

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Get Cultural intro from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

So this is the intro and whats funny about it is that i had it done a whole year before the video came out so all the footage is old and probably just shouldn't be there and that's also why there is minimal Jerry White and Kevin Love footage in it. oh yeah and levesque filmed a pretty nice chunk of the intro

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

not a footy update but....

So we showed "Get Cultural" 6 months ago and i don't think very many people have seen it since so i am going to start posting parts maybe even some better versions off the parts and hell their might just be a whole new part with footage i just didn't even use, but there will be no footy newer that 6 months old, i'm also going to be posting little facts on some parts to maybe help people understand the stuff in it

Friday, May 22, 2009

When Kevin falls, he really goes down

This happened two weeks ago when we were trying to get this line a couple goons showed up and they were just crowding the street so of course somebody else was bound to show up.....and he did

kevin eats shit from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

remember this guy?

This ended up fucking him over for a couple months

eric from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Last night Ben said "where's the update at?"

well...... here it is.
so the guys and me and have been working hard to get new footy for you all to see in sticky icky(june 26th) and this is some of this shit that just didn't really make the cut or we just filmed for fun

montage from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

also i'm working on trying to make this blog cool but we're slackers....

Friday, April 17, 2009

Boner at his house

mini jam from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.

so for lack of updates... i'm working on a montage but to hold you off until then i posted this, we filmed all this a few weeks ago and it was pretty much all first try i think

Monday, February 9, 2009

been a couple weeks and this just doesn't justify as a update

well i'm working on a montage but to keep you busy heres a trick we see everyday

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Action man man man man man

this one goes out to action man because he personally thinks i am just a kid with a high powered camera
well you certainly deserve it more man

Monday, January 12, 2009

montage we filmed yesterday

we went to the middle of nowhere yesterday well actually we went 2 days in a row but the first time we got rained out
but it was Levesque drivin, sean chillin in shotgun, chimp to the left, boner in the middle, and i had the right. we were cramped,we pissed everyone off and we won the demo

montage in mountains n shit from Patrick Brastrom on Vimeo.